Dot was one of my mother's best friends. I don't remember when they met for the first time. I don't know if it was sisterhood at first meeting, but I do know that it was God appointed. I can't remember anything big that ever happened in my life that she wasn't there for in some way, shape, or form. I guess after her two boys were grown and gone, she just kept right on going with my brother and I.
The thing that she has left with me, and the word that rolls around in my mind when I hear her name is Legacy. In particular, the legacy of friendship. I know of no other friendship that I have had the honor of witnessing that has taught me more than the friendship of my mother and Dot.
Several months ago, I taught a lesson about girlfriends and the gift that they are from God, using examples of Mary and Elizabeth, Ruth and Naomi, and the soul friendship of Jonathan and David. Not everyday friendships, but God designed friendships. The examples and the lessons that we learn in the Word from their lives is easily reflected in the lives of my Mom and Mrs. Dot. I always remember them together, and what I have learned during the past few weeks is that not only was their friendship witnessed by me, it was witnessed by people from the rest of the state of Virginia. I saw many who not only came to the viewing/funeral to offer comfort and support to her husband and family, but after they spoke to them, they moved on and sought out my mother to offer her support and comfort as well, knowing that she, too, had lost someone very special.
I remember traveling with Dot, and shopping with Dot. I remember trying to stay awake so I could hear the adult conversations that I probably didn't need to between my parents and the Collins. There were serious conversations about God, the Church and winning the lost, about boating and fishing between my Dad and Pastor Bobby, but the conversations between my Mom and Mrs. Dot were about family and people and shopping and support for ministry. There were conversations about hair styles and fashion colors and a shared love of animal print. I remember the way they used to play cards and try and send signals to each other. I remember that they always saved each other a seat. But more than anything, I can still hear in my mind the mischievous way that Dot would say "Now, Janice" and her deep laugh when they were being just ever so naughty.
During this past year, God has illuminated for me some friendships that I have that are much like these. These friendships have become special treasures to me. My prayer is that my daughter will grow up with the same examples of God-given friendships that I had the privilege to witness and aspire to. And may I recognize the special gift that they are now, while on earth, so that I can enjoy them, and nurture them and take care of them so when the storms of life do come my way, I will have some people there to lean on and help carry me through the storm.
My mother has some other very special friends, and I am so thankful that she has those to lean on during this time. I imagine now that she has lost this special treasure, it will enable her to hold more closely the treasures she still has in her possession. What a gift!
So Mrs. Dot, dance with Jesus for me until I get there and it's my turn.