I just have to share with you the story Holly sent me today.....it's just can't be contained to a few people!
One Friday night there was a little boy who was overwhelmed with excitement that his uncle has came in to visit from out of state. It had been three years since he had seen his uncle. When he got there the little boy jumped all over him and said his name at least 100 times. The little boys face shined with excitment and curiousity. The little boy's parents got the chance to catch up on all they had missed on both ends. There was such a sad and confused look on the uncle's face and no matter what he said to be funny or to be serious the face still appeared. He didn't smile like he once did or talk like he once did. He seemed to be a uncle in search of his Savior. The parents got the chance to pour into him encouragement and testomonies but the face remained. The little boy was getting ready for bedtime as usual except tonight he had his uncle there to add to the nightly routine. The parents took the little boy in his room to tuck him in and pray for him. When the parents were done praying for him, the little boy sit up in his bed and asked if his uncle could pray for him. His mommy said yes so both parents walked him in the living room where the uncle was. The little boy crawled in his lap and said "Uncle will you pray for me?". The uncle looked at the boy and said it as been such a long time since I prayed I don't know where to begin or what to say. With hope in his eyes the little boy said" You can do it! Just try!!" The uncle begin to pray while the mommy watched the look on the little boys face as he watched his uncle pray. It was a face of longing for more words and emotion. When the uncle was done the little boy looked at him with a serious face and tone and said"Is that all you got?". The uncle laughed but the Lord taught me something that night as I was rocking my child at 2:30 in the morning. How many times do we give God just words. There is no emotion or true thankfulness in our voice or in our heart. How many times do you think he wonders or says"Is that all you got" after all I have done for you, all I have set you free from, all the times I protected you, all the times I was your joy in the morning, all the times I heard your cry and healed your broken heart, all the blessings I poured out on you, giving you every breath, saving a loved one that you once prayed for. He is teaching me to GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT!! He is worth it all!!!! We are to be thankful this Thanksgiving for what he has done in our lives. We should have a burning desire each week to give our worship all we got, we should pray with all we got! Never under estimate what you can learn out of the mouth of children. Sometimes it is just like God speaking to you himself. He is awesome and worthy of ALL WE GOT!!
What a wonderful Thanksgiving message -- and a great reminder that when we're tired, weary or worn, to keep giving all we've got.
I can't tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn't fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren't small, but you're living them in a small way. I'm speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively! 2 Corinthians 6:11b - 13
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
A Fairy Tale ~ from Misery to Melissa

Misery spent time looking and searching for anything to help her become the strong flower she was supposed to be, but it was so hard, and she didn't trust herself to make oh-so-wise decisions, so when a bush that was full, thick, and sturdy came her way and started paying attention to her, she felt a ray of hope that finally, at last, her savior had come, and surely this big strong bush with such green luscious colors would know the key to helping her become the strong giving flower she was supposed to be. Misery so wanted this bush to be her knight in shining armour, that she never really took the time to look inside the bush and see what he was made of. Yes, friends, it was only later after she had attached her small fragile beauty to this domineering strong bush that she found out about the thorns and the pain that they inflicted. It took all of the strength and will she could muster from her shallow roots to break free from the hold of that strong bush had enveloped her in, but weary, worn, and tired and broken, she finally broke free.
Now, the little seeding Misery was scratched, tattered and torn, not knowing really what to do. Surely, her little life would be over now for really, who could ever love such a small, weak, broken little flower. While the little seedling was thinking such bad thoughts about herself, and crying such big, gray tears, the great King took notice of little Misery, and his heart began to ache for her. He knew that with a little love, attention, and nurturing, this little seedling could surely become all that she dreamed of being. So the great King gathered some of his favorite workers, and planted them next to her to help tend to her. They spent time with her, telling her just how special she was. Some watered her spirit, some helped till the soil around her roots, and even others were brought in to groom and polish her leaves. Misery couldn't believe that the King would think so much of her and she knew that they wouldn't stay but only be there for a short time. After a time she noticed that her roots were starting to grow deep along with her special friends. It was a strange feeling really when she noticed that the wind could no longer blow her over anymore. It was only then that she noticed that the roots of her new friends were deep, too. No longer was she just a lone, weak, broken little flower by her self, but she had now become a part of a small flower garden.
In this flower garden, little Misery received the sunshine she so desperately needed, and slowly she began to grow and one day she noticed that no longer did she cower under those most beautiful flowers around her, but she was now just as tall as they were. Could it be, then, that there is a possibility of her one day becoming the flower she dreamed of being? At that exact moment, the King placed a small seed of hope in her heart, and after that, day by day, Misery allowed the hope to grow. No longer was she afraid of every little shrub, bush and flower that come by, but she embraced her new found strength.
Then one day in this kingdom so far, far away, the King once again looked down at little Misery and saw that she wasn't so weak and fragile anymore, but she had grown into a tall beautiful flower able to give joy, pleasure, and love to those around her. So the King began to search far and wide for the special someone who he could give the now beautiful flower too. He was looking for someone that would know and appreciate her for the true beauty she had become. While the King was looking, a strong Knight came to the King requesting an audience with him as it was of utmost importance that he speak to him at once. Putting the once little seedling at the back of his mind, the King granted the Knight's audience and was shocked by the request he was hearing. It seemed that the Knight had been lost in the woods and while he was sitting wondering which way to go, the Knight noticed as a small weak flower as she lifted her head to the sunshine and her colors changed from dull and lifeless to vibrant and beautiful. It had so made an impression on the knight that he was unable to get the flower out of his mind, and he was there to request the permission of the King to find the beautiful flower so that he could take it home and put it in a place of honor so that every day the Knight could gaze upon a true beauty he had found.
The King was so pleased that the Knight had seen the true beauty of the flower Misery that not only did he give him permission to find and take the flower, but he also gave him a pot of gold to plant the flower in, so that whenever anyone would gaze upon the beautiful flower, they would see that she was truly honored and loved by the King. With that the Knight went off to get the flower with the King's blessing.
When the Knight approached the now beautiful flower Misery in the small garden where she was planted, she at first became afraid and she again begin to feel like the little weak and worn seedling she once was, but when the Knight began talking to her, her little eyes began to once again glisten with tears, though this time, they were of the most beatiful clear blue color. See, the great Knight with his big, strong, gentle hands was telling her how he had gazed upon her as she was transforming in beauty and how he was unable to get the picture of her out of his thoughts. He then went on to tell her how much she was truly loved by the King and how the King loved her so much as to give him a gold pot to plant her in so that everyone could see her beauty and how special she really was. Her most favorite part of what he said though, was when he was telling her about the name she was going to get. He then talked of special nymph who helped take care of the young greek god Zeus and how she helped to care for him and earned a special place there. He told her that she reminded him of that nymph in how just seeing her transformation had helped care for him when he was lost and alone so he was going to name her after that nymph ~~ Melissa.
It was almost more than she could take. It was certainly more than she ever dreamed. And even though she was sad to leave her special friends that the King had planted around her to help her grow into her true beauty, she was now very excited to be going to her new home and she knew that there she would finally find the place that she belonged. Never again would she be the small, weak, worn and broken little Misery.
So now in this land far, far away of lavinder skies and pink and green stars, there is Misery no more. Only the true beauty of those so loved by the King.
The End.
~~ For a beautiful girl inside and out, who has touched my heart in many ways. Many blessings as you leave our little garden!
Love you much!
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