I can't tell you how much I long for you to enter this wide-open, spacious life. We didn't fence you in. The smallness you feel comes from within you. Your lives aren't small, but you're living them in a small way. I'm speaking as plainly as I can and with great affection. Open up your lives. Live openly and expansively! 2 Corinthians 6:11b - 13
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Realizations at Christmas
Several years ago (at least 8) the Lord sent a very special young lady into my life. Had I known at the time the road we were to travel and the plans God had for us, I don't know that I would have believed it. I was 28 and the mother of 2. I had a great job and that a young 18 year old girl would come in and steal part of my heart was not anywhere in my best laid plans. However, how often does God consult with our best laid plans when looking at what's best for us and our lives -- never. So He sent me this beautiful, young, confused, seeking and searching young woman to befriend. At that point in our lives, the only thing I could do was offer sage advice when asked and make sure she was fed (Ramon noodles) and sheltered (julia's bed) when her world came crashing down on her over and over again.
See she had met this young, handsome, strong willed young man - at my house no less-- and fallen in love with him. Their road was not an easy one, and for me it was a very fine line to walk between telling her what she wanted to hear verses what she needed to hear and being available for her all the time, no matter the choices and decisions she made. I got to watch as she fell in love with him, and then I got to tend to her wounded spirit when he broke her heart, and then once again I stood by her as he worked on mending her heart and their love was put back together.
I remember sitting in the back of the church during her wedding telling the person I was sitting beside that I would kill him if he ever hurt her - and meaning every word of it. A little while after that I remember thinking that I had lost her. There was a space between us then, but I realized it was not because of him, but mainly because of life and all that it encompasses. I know she felt my disappointment but in my defense I had been the one to help put the pieces back together when her life was ripped apart and the warrior chick in me rose up against anyone coming close to her that could cause that much pain. I had seen her broken, and I didn't know if I could handle it again and surely she couldn't either.
Now it's like there was never any space there at all and what space there was served the purpose of drawing us closer together. As I was leaving her house last night where we had a birthday party for her husband, I realized that I finally trust in his love for her enough that I don't worry about that anymore. It's not that I didn't think that he loved her, I know he did, but it was just a clear simple whisper to my soul that said "put that worry away". I'm not sure exactly when I let go of that fear for her -- surely it's been gone for awhile now -- but it was a comfort to me to know it was no longer there. Too bad it took me several years and three babies later to clue myself in.
Some connections we have with people are so hard to explain and when we try, there are no words in the dictionary to describe them. Sister, friend, mentor, companion, fun-seeker - God connections that he brings to us to make our lives more full and complete. God knew what He was doing when He was writing the book of my life. He knew how much she would need me and I her. She knows there's little I wouldn't do for her and now it seems her family has fallen into that place as well. This is just another one of those gifts that God has given me this Christmas season and to Him I say thanks for the gift!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
All you've got
One Friday night there was a little boy who was overwhelmed with excitement that his uncle has came in to visit from out of state. It had been three years since he had seen his uncle. When he got there the little boy jumped all over him and said his name at least 100 times. The little boys face shined with excitment and curiousity. The little boy's parents got the chance to catch up on all they had missed on both ends. There was such a sad and confused look on the uncle's face and no matter what he said to be funny or to be serious the face still appeared. He didn't smile like he once did or talk like he once did. He seemed to be a uncle in search of his Savior. The parents got the chance to pour into him encouragement and testomonies but the face remained. The little boy was getting ready for bedtime as usual except tonight he had his uncle there to add to the nightly routine. The parents took the little boy in his room to tuck him in and pray for him. When the parents were done praying for him, the little boy sit up in his bed and asked if his uncle could pray for him. His mommy said yes so both parents walked him in the living room where the uncle was. The little boy crawled in his lap and said "Uncle will you pray for me?". The uncle looked at the boy and said it as been such a long time since I prayed I don't know where to begin or what to say. With hope in his eyes the little boy said" You can do it! Just try!!" The uncle begin to pray while the mommy watched the look on the little boys face as he watched his uncle pray. It was a face of longing for more words and emotion. When the uncle was done the little boy looked at him with a serious face and tone and said"Is that all you got?". The uncle laughed but the Lord taught me something that night as I was rocking my child at 2:30 in the morning. How many times do we give God just words. There is no emotion or true thankfulness in our voice or in our heart. How many times do you think he wonders or says"Is that all you got" after all I have done for you, all I have set you free from, all the times I protected you, all the times I was your joy in the morning, all the times I heard your cry and healed your broken heart, all the blessings I poured out on you, giving you every breath, saving a loved one that you once prayed for. He is teaching me to GIVE IT ALL YOU GOT!! He is worth it all!!!! We are to be thankful this Thanksgiving for what he has done in our lives. We should have a burning desire each week to give our worship all we got, we should pray with all we got! Never under estimate what you can learn out of the mouth of children. Sometimes it is just like God speaking to you himself. He is awesome and worthy of ALL WE GOT!!
What a wonderful Thanksgiving message -- and a great reminder that when we're tired, weary or worn, to keep giving all we've got.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
A Fairy Tale ~ from Misery to Melissa

Monday, October 29, 2007
For C-Man!
Life here has been crazy the past few months. We've been on vacation, gotten both kids back in the school swing, have completed a whole season of Carlisle JV soccer, almost completed a whole season of travel soccer, had a daughter who got perfect scores on her SOL's, I've already completed 2 classes this fall, been to a BYOP party and we are now in the process of painting part of our house. Crazy, I told you! Are you tired yet?
But more than that, I've been in a different kind of place. I don't know if it's because I just had a birthday (and it was a great one, thank you very much!), but God is doing such a work in me right now that it's really hard to put into words. And right now, I don't think that I'm supposed too. I think for this time and place that I'm in now, it's a time for ponderings and time for me to let it saturate, soak, and change me on the inside before I can share it with the outside. I'll let you know when that happens....
However, I'll try to get you updated on a more regular basis!
Do you know what I just realized? I turned 36 yesterday. That in itself is uneventful ~ but it does mean that I've now been out of my parents home for the same amount of time that I was there -- 18 years! Just another one of those things for me to ponder! My brain is getting really crowded. :-)
C-Man - this one's just for you. I love ya!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, June 05, 2007
On Seeking God
"If I offered you a parenting book that had all the answers you've ever wanted regarding how to raise the healthiest, happiest, and godliest children ever, would you devour that book, or would you leave it on the nightstand for days on end without picking it up? What if I gave you a map and told you that all you had to do was follow the directions on the map, grab a shovel, and dig deep, then you would surely find untold wealth; what would you do? I doubt you'd be too busy or think the map was too old to pay attention to or decide it wasn't worth the time and energy necessary to dig for it. And yet, too often, that's how we respond to the offer to know God and to find the wealth of wisdom He promises. Do we not think the opportunity to personally know the Creator of the universe is worth a little effort? I would think that having infinite wisdom available to us would be pretty valuable. You do too? Great -- then pick up the nearest Bible and dig. There's treasure just waiting to be found."
There is something just so exciting about scripture coming alive to me. I still marvel at how I can be feeling a certain way, or needing reassurances, and open the Word and start reading and the words just leap off of the page to my heart, giving me that calm reassurance that I need to keep on going. And I am at the place in my life where I just want to know Him more than anything. I want Him, and His knowledge, and His ways, because I've tried it on my own, and Lord knows that my ways only work for a little while. But His ways and thoughts are so much higher than mine. So in my meditating this week, I am praying and planning how I can get more of Him. It may sound weird to say I'm planning to get more of God, but I have found that in my crazy, busy, schedule jam-packed filled life, if I don't plan to spend time with God, I miss out on that special time with Him.
So I'm worshipping, and looking for Him. The best part of all is that He is just waiting to be found.
Friday, June 01, 2007
A diamond in the dirt

However, for one young son who has spent uncountable hours practicing, playing, and perfecting the game of soccer, the move to baseball has not been so easy. We're learning so much through this, and believe you me....it's not always been an enjoyable experience. Going from a team where you are a leader and anchor to playing on a team where you just want to get off the bench has been a humbling experience for my soon to be teenager. Joel has learned that the game is not quite as easy as it looks. It has taken many, many weeks, and much practice and last night he finally came home triumphant because he got a hit! Too bad this was only practice....if he ever does it in a game, he just might get so excited he won't make it around the bases. Not only is the hitting hard to get used to, but the pace of the game is really different as well. So as much as I don't like the everyday practices, two and a half hour games, frustrations and "discussions", it has already ended up being a good learning experience for him. And we're finding so many teaching opportunities in it.
Julia loves her girls softball team. She likes it so much better than soccer. It's non-contact (for the most part). It doesn't require too much running, and it doesn't seem to interfere with the other things she loves to do. We'll see how she does.
For me, baseball is an opportunity to just sit back and relax while watching my children play. It doesn't involve the same amount of emotion and adrenaline as soccer. It's something that I played, so I can get out and play with them, and it's one more thing that we can spend time doing together.
And isn't that the point of it all, anyway?

Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Update on Life

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A Legacy of Friendship
Dot was one of my mother's best friends. I don't remember when they met for the first time. I don't know if it was sisterhood at first meeting, but I do know that it was God appointed. I can't remember anything big that ever happened in my life that she wasn't there for in some way, shape, or form. I guess after her two boys were grown and gone, she just kept right on going with my brother and I.
The thing that she has left with me, and the word that rolls around in my mind when I hear her name is Legacy. In particular, the legacy of friendship. I know of no other friendship that I have had the honor of witnessing that has taught me more than the friendship of my mother and Dot.
Several months ago, I taught a lesson about girlfriends and the gift that they are from God, using examples of Mary and Elizabeth, Ruth and Naomi, and the soul friendship of Jonathan and David. Not everyday friendships, but God designed friendships. The examples and the lessons that we learn in the Word from their lives is easily reflected in the lives of my Mom and Mrs. Dot. I always remember them together, and what I have learned during the past few weeks is that not only was their friendship witnessed by me, it was witnessed by people from the rest of the state of Virginia. I saw many who not only came to the viewing/funeral to offer comfort and support to her husband and family, but after they spoke to them, they moved on and sought out my mother to offer her support and comfort as well, knowing that she, too, had lost someone very special.
I remember traveling with Dot, and shopping with Dot. I remember trying to stay awake so I could hear the adult conversations that I probably didn't need to between my parents and the Collins. There were serious conversations about God, the Church and winning the lost, about boating and fishing between my Dad and Pastor Bobby, but the conversations between my Mom and Mrs. Dot were about family and people and shopping and support for ministry. There were conversations about hair styles and fashion colors and a shared love of animal print. I remember the way they used to play cards and try and send signals to each other. I remember that they always saved each other a seat. But more than anything, I can still hear in my mind the mischievous way that Dot would say "Now, Janice" and her deep laugh when they were being just ever so naughty.
During this past year, God has illuminated for me some friendships that I have that are much like these. These friendships have become special treasures to me. My prayer is that my daughter will grow up with the same examples of God-given friendships that I had the privilege to witness and aspire to. And may I recognize the special gift that they are now, while on earth, so that I can enjoy them, and nurture them and take care of them so when the storms of life do come my way, I will have some people there to lean on and help carry me through the storm.
My mother has some other very special friends, and I am so thankful that she has those to lean on during this time. I imagine now that she has lost this special treasure, it will enable her to hold more closely the treasures she still has in her possession. What a gift!
So Mrs. Dot, dance with Jesus for me until I get there and it's my turn.

Monday, March 19, 2007
A big building

Thursday, February 01, 2007
Please Pray
When I think of Mrs. Dot, I think of a true lady. One you don't see very often these days. Someone I aspire to be like. In everything she does, whether in her home, when she was the director of the daycare, or out somewhere else, she always carries herself with dignity and class, confident in her relationship with God and her place in His kingdom.
I cannot ever remember a time that I didn't know Rev. Bobby and Dot Collins. See, they some of my parents very best friends, so they have always been apart of our extended family. There wasn't a trip to the coast or a time that they came to the mountains we weren't together. Nor do I ever remember a Church of God General Assembly without them.
There is so much I love about this couple. Their contagious joy, the friendship they have so lovingly given to my parents and our family, but more than that, I love the work they have done for the Kingdom of God. They started a new church ministry in a side room of their home with 18 people. Today, that congregation has grown to one of the biggest in our state. You can check out their church at www.wowcenter.org. But their ministry does not end there, it is only the beginning because their ministry has extended to many different countries in their support of World Missions and the love they have for all God's people. It is awesome and inspiring to see what God has done through their lives, and I feel so honored and privileged to know them both.
Mrs. Dot has been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's and is not doing so well these days. I ask that you pray especially for her and Rev. Bobby. Pray for the ones helping to take care of her, for their family, the Doctors providing her care, and their church family. Pray for a mighty touch of the Savior's hand.
I love you Mrs. Dot!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Girls gone wild!!!
God is so go

But we know why you did. See we know, that you know, that if you allow us our little trips like this, we always come back better than ever. Refreshed and recharged to take better c

We had such a great time! Holly and Tasha had never been to Gatlinburg - I couldn't believe that, but then I discovered during our little trip that Tasha has not been to a lot of places. She experienced her very first time to

We have a wonderful chalet up above Gatlinburg almost to the Ober Gatlinburg Ski resort. The hill to get to our cabin was so steep, that I had to drive the Expedition up the STEEP mountain, pull into another cabin's driveway and turn around so I could get going in the right direction to get up our hill because I could not turn the big ol' vehicle up the driveway!! That was not so fun in the dark, let me tell you. The name of our Chalet was Quiet Times,

It was so comforting to see evidence that the owner of the Chalet loved the Lord when we got there. Through a book on the table and pictures on the wall, we knew we were in the right place.

It was such a sweet, sweet time, and I am so thankful that the Lord brought such special friends in my life. They are one of those gifts that you always want, but never really expect to get. I have a lot of friends, but I began praying for God to send some really special people my way -- and boy did he answer that one way beyond my expectations!

We're already talking about when we get to go back -- and how we need to stay just a little bit longer. We decided we wanted at least one day where we never left the cabin. There is much going on in each of our lives...beyond our everyday responsibilities...Melodie and I are both taking classes, Holly is going to have another baby, and Tasha is not waiting for, but preparing and anticipating a beautiful baby girl from China who will be named Emma Grace (we just can't wait until she gets here!!).
So dear Father, we thank you most of all. For your protection, for your provision, and for the love you have for us, your daughters, to give us such a special time with you and each other.

Proverbs 27:9 in the Message Bible says this: Just as lotions and fragrance gives sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul.
Thank you guys, for the refreshing!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Health Challenge 2007
So, if one of your resolutions was to live a healthier lifestyle, why don't you join us? We have 10 weeks to loose some weight, get into shape, and develop healthy habits for a lifetime!
Here's this week's encouragement:
I just wanted to send you guys a little something to encourage you on our health challenge journey this week.
I was reading in Proverbs this morning, and Proverbs 3:5-9 in the message Bible says "Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track. Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God! Run from evil! Your body will glow with health, your very bones will vibrate with life!"
There is so much that God is saying to me in these verses - here are a few things:
#1 - You can't do it in yourself, but I can enable you - Trust me!
#2 - When evil (this week it's name is COKE!) comes my way - RUN to GOD! He'll help me overcome! (and He has)
#3 - He wants our very bones to vibrate with life!
Now you may think that your very bones vibrating with life is ok, however you really don't understand how that's going to help you fit into smaller size pants - but let's remember what bones do: they support our flesh and provide a frame for which we are created, but most importantly, they are where the blood comes from! If our blood is full of sickness and disease, then our bodies feel that...the sluggishness when our white blood cells are fighting infection, the rate at which our heart has to pump our blood, and we're probably even feeling it if our veins are full of cholesterol that keeps the blood from flowing smoothly. If our blood is full of muck and junk, we don't feel like working out!
BUT, If we trust in God from the depth of who we are, not just with the words coming out of our mouths, then he is going to infuse our bones with new, fresh, cleansed blood that will make an inner change in our hearts and lives but will produce an outward result!
So, keep up the good work! I know it's a pain to have to take a break once an hour to go to the bathroom because of all of the water we're drinking, but in the end, it's worth it! When your body is screaming for sugar, salt, and unhealthy food, keep your eye on the end result. When your muscles are screaming from the way you are working them and forcing them to move in a way they are unaccustomed too, think on how much stronger you will be and the new testimony you will be able to give! And think of the potential new people beyond our walls you will be able to touch because of it.
I love you all and I'm so glad we're on this journey together!
Bunches of Blessings!