Well, this is it. The day that Joel has been anticipating and I have been dreading! My wonderful boy, my son, turns thirteen years old today. It's hardly possible to think about, but it's here and I have no choice but to put on a happy face and not dwell on the fact that he is no longer my baby boy, but now a young man.
In September of 1993, Joel was nothing but a grain of faith. He was a dream, a longing of this mother's heart, promised to me by God through our Pastor at the time, Tim Hill. Two months later, he was being formed and created, and he was faith realized. Seven months after that, in June of 1994, my son became my dream come true. At that moment, holding a 3 lb, 14 oz little boy, my world took on a different dimension, and if I never accomplished anything else in life, I know that I had fulfilled my greatest purpose.
Only God knew the path he carved out for us and for Joel, and only He has been able to help us with each and every aspect of his life, from his premature birth, to some of the difficulties that came along with it. And it is only every other minute or so that I realize how truly great He is.
I am not one of those mother's who thinks her child can do no wrong....I know he can, and he does. I know that there are still many, many things for him to learn about the choices he makes and how they will affect the rest of his life. However, I also know what kind of person he is at the core of himself. He has a drive and determination that can't be described. He is a pleaser and would go out of his way to make sure that you are pleased with him. He wants to help, and he wants to give. He brings joy to us, and to those around him. He is so different from me in that he is just a friend magnet. He meets new ones everywhere he goes and thrives being surrounded by people.
It has been so pleasing to watch as certain loves in his life are coming forth. He absolutely loves to fish...well, that's in his genes....from his grandfathers. There are other things that he loves, too, and they would seem to come from loves that are handed down from generation to generation. He is competitive and loves to win, and when his team looses, he takes the loss personally, on his shoulders and bears the weight of it. It is troubling sometimes to watch, but also very revealing about his character. He is the first to help someone up, pick-up something a stranger has dropped for them, or hold the door open for a stranger....and he is also the one who will hold the door shut for a friend to bring a laugh. He tries to lie, but he can't. I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.
I have so many hopes and dreams for him and his future, however, I know that they are nothing compared to the plans and will of our Father for his life. From the time he was born, he has been favored by God. His hand upon his life has been so evident through these past 13 years, sometimes invisible to anyone but us, and other times visible by many(baseball Allstars, baby!). It is with much joy and anticipation that I look forward to watching him become the young man I know he will. I pray for so many things for him, but I also am praying that God helps me be the Mom to him that he needs, to help guide and steer him in the right directions, to help him when he stumbles, and to help him know that he is always loved unconditionally, not only by God, but by his parents, too, because that's the way that Jesus loves us....unconditionally.
So, if you happen to see my blue-eyed, blond haired young man this week, give him a hug and tell him Happy Birthday, then say a silent prayer for his teenage years. And when you've done that, say a silent prayer for his mom, she will probably need it more than him!

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