Normally, I will put on some type of music while I'm working this way, but Monday I decided to put the channel on MLB's Home Run Derby. Little did I know that it was not by chance I chose that to watch.

Before Monday night, I had never heard of Josh Hamilton but the moment he came up to hit, I was immediately prompted by the Holy Spirit to watch. And watch I did. And then I cried and without restraint, began praying as I was led by the Holy Spirit for this professional baseball player for the Texas Rangers that I had never heard of before all the while watching history being made. I was not praying for him to make history. No, I was prompted to pray for his protection, favor, and strength as he uses the game of baseball to impact lives for eternity. Interceding on his behalf in a most powerful way. Thinking of it even now brings tears to my eyes.
This has really only happened to me once before that I recall. I remember laying in my bed watching George Bush accept the nomination for the republican party the first time he was running for president and the Lord sending me to my knees in tears and intercession for him. I couldn't have stopped the prayers if I had wanted too! And it felt much the same this time.
If you don't know or haven't heard of Josh Hamilton, here is a link to his personal testimony:
He, like many others, had to hit rock bottom to be able to look up and see that his salvation only came from above. That he is not dead is amazing, but his rise to the place he's in now is truly a miracle for today.
All of this really caused me to ponder why the Lord would want me to pray for him. Surely my prayers are no more powerful than anyone else's. Maybe it was just that I was watching and my heart was positioned to follow the prompting of the spirit. Or maybe it's because He just wanted to see if I would obey. Whatever the reason, it brought to my mind that several weeks ago when I called and listened to a message on my answering machine from a precious lady in our church who called to let me know she had been praying that morning and the Lord had prompted her to pray for me! She was just calling to let me know she was praying and making sure I was OK. Our church is so big now, that I don't even get to see her most Sundays, and I know that I hadn't shared with anyone my struggles (because I don't do all....and it's not always a good thing) so how overwhelming it was for me to get that call. It was just the Lord's way of letting me know that He had not forgotten me, and He was helping me through, and boy did I need it.
It has made me realize that anytime the Lord prompts us to pray that it is so important to obey. There are lives, hurts, grief, spiritual battles, and more that hang in the balance. What a precious gift it is to be able to go the the Father on someones behalf...fighting with them....often times when they are unable to fight for themselves.

So, now I have a new hero in today's world. A man whose life was being destroyed by sin, but who God wanted to use to bring honor and glory unto him. A professional athlete that my son can look up to. Someone who is not ashamed to give thanks to his "Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" in front of millions of people. And it seems I also have a new baseball team to pull for and a new favorite player!!
Sounds to me like he's living in a spacious place...delighted in by the Father, and rescued. Psalm 18:19. And isn't that what life in Christ is all about?
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