Friday, October 13, 2006

My New Space!

So, I've taken another crazy pill and thought I would start a blog. Why? Well, for many reasons, but mainly for a soon-to-be teenage boy and a beautiful young lady who live in my home who I want to record some memories for. I've tried to scrapbook, but really, I'm already 12 years behind -- I'll never catch up if I keep on adding to that stack! So this is a way to just jump in and get some sort of journal going. It's also a way the family that we have scattered all across the world can see what's going on in our household each and every week.

You may have been wondering why I titled it "A Spacious Place". That comes straight from one of my favorite Bible verses (who can have just one?) that has been with me for the past few years.

He brought me into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me. Psalm 18:19.

That He brought me to where I am today is truly mind altering, but that He did it because He delighted in me is more than I can comprehend. When I look at myself and what I see, I am not able to understand why - I don't even delight in myself most of the time. I always see all of the hundreds and thousands of things that I have going on and that I am working on in my life that I need to improve before I ever get to the state of being delightful - but none of that stuff matters to Him! He looks past all of the "stuff" in my life and sees through to the me at the core and He is delighted! That's just one of the billion reasons I love Him so much.

So I am in a spacious place - a place of growing. A place of learning. Not a place of being shut in or closed all around me, but a place of being free from the shadows. A place where I can experience all that God has for me. It's also a place of exposure, but it's O.K. because He is my guard and protection.

I'll leave you today with this same passage (v. 16-18) from the Message Bible which just really lays it out there for me.

But me he caught—reached all the way
from sky to sea; he pulled me out
Of that ocean of hate, that enemy chaos,
the void in which I was drowning.
They hit me when I was down,
but God stuck by me.
He stood me up on a wide-open field;
I stood there saved—surprised to be loved!
Psalm 18:16-19 - The Message

Today, I hope you, too, realize that He delights in you. He reached all the way from the sky to the sea to pull you out -- just because He loves you.

I hope you come visit with me often.....

Until then - Bunches of Blessings!


Anonymous said...

Hello!!! I love this. Now I can keep up with you better. I am so very proud of you and your family and they way you love God. Treasure every moment you have with them. We leave tomorrow for Branson, so pray for us.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Velma said: I enjoyed reading your blog. I am glad that you are doing this very interesting. Keep up the letters that we will continue to be encouraged.